Conversation Starters

Hey Families!

What’s your deepest desire? What are you praying fervently for? Today’s scripture follows a woman named Hannah as she prays for a child and as she rejoices in that child’s birth. It is a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness. As you read this story with your children, take some time to tell them about how they came to be in your family and what gifts they are to your life. 


  • What do you think about the story for today? What jumped out at you either because it was nice or strange or confusing? 
  • How would you feel if you were Hannah? 
  • What does it say about God that God responded so directly to Hannah's prayer for a baby, giving her what she wanted so much? 
  • God hears our prayers and responds
  • God is moved by our cries
  • God is able to create new life in a womb that had always been empty
  • Do you think God responds to all of our prayers? 
  • What are you praying for this week?

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