Weekly Overview and Lesson Plan

Session 9. Will You Devote Yourself to the Church’s Fellowship? 

Will you devote yourself to the church’s teaching and fellowship,… 



Priesthood of all believers J81 

J81 Look up the word koinonia and draw a symbol for it.

J81-82 With great love, God has created you with many gifts, talents, and abilities. Both confirmands and mentors (now that you have your own BIG Journal): Complete your own gifts inventory.

- How did you feel as you completed the gifts inventory?

- What stands out for you about your list?

- In what ways can your gifts contribute to the unity and mission of the church?


God expects us to use our gifts to help heal the world's brokenness. (H/MG p. 17)  

1 Corinthians 12:12-28 Discuss:

- According to the passage, what is the purpose of the individual in the body of Christ? Why does the body need to be made up of different members? 

- We are connected. Each of us is needed. What are our responsibilities to one another?

- When has your congregation rejoiced when a single member was "honored"?

- When has your whole congregation "suffered" together?

Each part of the body is created for a unique purpose with a common goal - the building up of the church.

J86-87 Look at the things that build up the church fellowship and choose one to put into practice.

Look at the things that tear down the church fellowship and choose one to stop doing.

J90 Prayer of Teresa of Avila - Think of creative ways to use this prayer. Liturgical dance, for one.

Pray it often. Pray it at a certain time of day, in a certain place. Replace "yours" with "mine."

H/MG p. 18 - Great ideas for discussion, prayer, and fellowship service

Session 10. Will You Devote Yourself to the Breaking of Bread? Hospitality Sacrament J91 

Will you devote yourself to the church’s teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread… 

J92-93 Jot down thoughts as you read the three passages. Discuss.

Exodus 12:1-20, 29-36 The Story of Passover, of God's instructions for getting prepared for the most important event of the Old Testament - the Exodus from Egypt.

- What is the significance of the unleavened bread?

Luke 22:14-20 The Institution of the Lord's Supper

- What is the significance of the bread?  - What four things did Jesus do with the bread?

Luke 24:13-32 The post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to two disciples on the road to Emmaus

- What four things did Jesus do with the bread? As a result, what happened to the two men?

Look at The Sacraments Infographic on the confirmation website. With mentor and with parents, discuss insights and questions you have about Baptism and Communion.  

J96-97 Follow the instructions in the Journal.

Complete and Continue